3000+ webcasts. 1,000+ Podcasts. 100+ Videos. 1,000+ Voice Overs. Yours can be next!
President, Host & Executive Producer
James Hilliard
My debate/speech teacher in high school asked me if I had ever considered work in radio. I'm guessing it was a kind way of telling me then that I talked too much in class! Thankfully, her comment stuck, and instead of studying architecture, I studied communications.
Since 1992, I have found myself in front of a microphone. It began with radio, moved to the web, and since 2003, through Hilly Productions, I've been webcasting, podcasting, creating corporate videos and doing Voice Over work.
It's been my pleasure to help steer the lead generation and training efforts of so many companies through webcasts. In fact, at last count....5000+ events have spilled from my lips.
Whether I'm producing from behind the scenes or stepping in front of the mic and camera as a host, companies of all sizes, from all industries, rely on me to deliver compelling content that their audiences deserve.
I'd love the opportunity to help your team succeed as well.