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James Hilliard's voice has been described as trustworthy, strong and easy to listen too. Whether he is in front of the camera, or behind the scenes on his microphone, it's no wonder that Intel, Connection, AT&T, The San Jose Mercury News, Live Deal, EDB Postgres, Citrix and many other trusted and leading companies rely on his voice when
they have a message that needs to be heard. Use the Contact Box below to discuss your Voice Over needs.
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“When a script is read by a professionally-trained reader 83% of the information will be retained by the listener. If the same script is delivered by an untrained person, retention can drop to 41%, or even lower!”
- La Fondation de la Rescherche Psychologique

Ostara: Voice Over by James Hilliard
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Recently Completed Voice Over by James Hilliard

DEMO: EDB Postgres Cloud Database Service
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